Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #228

Please enjoy this very special episode of Back Seat Back Office.

New Movies:
Age of Adeleine
Ex Machina

Other movies/tv discussed:

Art  – Daredevil

Jeff – some discussion about Airplane

Tad – Mad Max : Fury Road, Daredevil, House of Cards

This episode was recorded on April 22, 2015.

Back Seat Producers Season 09 Shows

BSP Episode 342: Good Will Hunting

Jason Bourne, Holden McNeil, Erik Selvig and Mork from Ork star in:

Good Will Hunting!

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • David
  • Alex
  • Kayla

This episode was recorded on March 18, 2015.

Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #227

Here goes nothing!

New Movies:
Paul Blart 2

Other movies/tv discussed:

Art  – Sleepy Hollow(again), Vampire Diaries(again), the glorious SW: The Force Awakens Trailer #2

Jeff – The Internship, Days and Nights, What If?, Daredevil

This episode was recorded on April 16, 2015.

Back Seat Producers Season 09 Shows

BSP Episode 341: American Beauty

Kevin Spacey, how do we love you?  Let us count the ways?  By plucking rosepetals off of naked Mena Suvari.

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • David
  • Alex
  • Kayla

This episode was recorded on March 11, 2015.

Editor’s Note:  Yes, the sound quality of this one is rough in patches.  It turns out that I didn’t realize until editing that Kayla’s microphone was turned OFF.  Fortunately, I was able to boost the signal from other mics around the table during those times when she spoke to recover almost all of what she said.  It’s not perfect, but we didn’t want to leave this discussion or her part in it behind. – Tony

Back Seat Producers Season 09 Shows

BSP Episode 340: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

We talk about so many things, mostly because some people can’t be bothered to watch the movie.

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • David
  • Alex
  • Kayla

This episode was recorded on February 25, 2015.

Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #226

Once again, unto the Back Seat!

New Movies:
Furious 7

Other movies/tv discussed:

Art  – Sleepy Hollow(again), Vampire Diaries(again), Monster High, Haunted High (there’s a difference?)

Jeff – LOST : S2(again), Agents of Shield (TV), Secret Wars audio drama available from

And Art, thank you to being the CASE to my TARS.