Back Seat Box Office Shows

BSBO Episode 306

Please enjoy the latest episode of Back Seat Box Office.

New Movies
1. Jigsaw (38% on RT)

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Art – Agents of Shield S4, Gilmore Girls, Ant Man, The Emoji Movie
Jeff – Killjoys

This episode was recorded on October 26, 2017.

Back Seat Producers Season 12 Shows

BSP Episode 425: Black Mirror: White Bear

Herein we talk about White Bear, with white bears.

Warning: there was quite a bit of alcohol consumed before this recording and lots and lots of people who should have known better abusing microphones.

Donate to Sausagefest

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • Kayla
  • David
  • Alex
  • Lena
  • Rob
  • Ben
  • Gretchen

This episode was recorded on September 29th, 2017. (At Archon, the night before Sausagefest 8!)

Back Seat Box Office Shows

BSBO Episode 305

Please enjoy the latest episode of Back Seat Box Office.

New Movies
1. Geostorm (N/A on RT)
2. Ony The Brave (91%)

Share Time
Art – Gilmore Girls
Jeff – Star Wars: Rebels S4, Black Panther trailer, New Mutants trailer

This episode was recorded on October 18, 2017.

Back Seat Box Office Shows

BSBO Episode 304

Please enjoy the latest episode of Back Seat Box Office.

New Movies
1. Happy Death Day (64% on RT)
2. The Foreigner (57%)

Share Time
Art – Agents of Shield S4 and whole lotta love for My Little Pony
Jeff – STD, second-hand review of The Orville from Steve Gibson of Security Now, Killjoys (Syfy) and Midnight Special

This episode was recorded on October 12, 2017.

Back Seat Box Office Shows

BSBO Episode 303

Please enjoy the latest episode of Back Seat Box Office (and thank you to Richard and Tad for the voicemails).

Late pledge your donation for Sausagefest 2017

New Movies
1. Blade Runner 2049 (89% on RT)
2. The Mountain Between Us (46%)
3. My Little Pony: The Movie (58%)


Art – Agents of Shield S4, American Ninja Warrior, High School Musical 2, The Kingsman, Orville, Star Trek: Discovery

Jeff – Better Things S2 (FX)

This episode was recorded on October 4th, 2017.