Back Seat Producers Fanboy Smackdown Season 01 Shows

FBSD Episode 33: The Good Shepherd

This one is late, but… I’ve got two very good reasons.

Reason #1: This is a LONG episode. We clock in at over 82 minutes. We didn’t plan on it going long, but we were on a good trip and we followed it through. Amazingly enough, we didn’t even get tangential… much.

Reason #2: I think I’ve finally figured out the damned encoding issues. One of the things we did when we started with FarPoint Media is to standardize our ID3 tags. This also meant that we’d include info in the comment tag about being part of the FarPoint Media family. What I didn’t realize is that ID3 tags and return keys don’t play nice. It would work fine on my local system, but as soon as it got uploaded to libsyn and pulled back down the tags would be slightly different and this would cause problems. I’ve fixed that issue, and this one, at least to my ears, seems to be working. If you have any issues, please let me know ASAP. I’ll be at the con most of the weekend, and may or may not have a few minutes to try some more things to get it working again.

Listen – Enjoy

Don’t forget, next week’s show is going to be our take on Serenity. Tony #2 is going to see it sometime this weekend, so he doesn’t even know about the spoilers. So don’t ruin it for him!!!

A couple of quick links to fill in the gaps and then I’m going to get his puppy posted.
Non-promo promo:
Con info:
Other appearances this week:

One final note: Congrats to Scott Sigler. Scott is being picked up for a three book deal by Crown Publishing! This is amazing! We couldn’t be happier for him. (Yes, we are sucking up… wouldn’t you love to hear Scott on the show?)

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