Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #5

Jonathan, of The Way of the Game fame, and Andrew, Archer Enthusiast, are back this week talking Box Office with Tony.

Tony doesn’t want to talk about last weekend’s results but we talk about it anyway. Tony’s bet that Red would debut at #1 did not pay off and he only got 20% right. Meanwhile, Andrew and Jonathan’s faith in Jackass 3-D was well founded and carried them to a 60% weekend.

Andrew just saw Red and his initial thoughts on the movie leads to us talking about Helen Mirren. We end up going somewhere that felt natural at the time but, in retrospect, might be a bit weird.

After lengthy pondering Tony decides to give Jackass more credit this week and that Mark Zuckerberg has more staying power then Secretariat:

  1. Jackass 3-D
  2. Paranormal Activity 2
  3. Red
  4. Hereafter
  5. The Social Network

Andrew decides to put his faith into Matt Damon, Clint Eastwood and the draw of a holiday sequel:

  1. Paranormal Activity 2
  2. Jackass 3-D
  3. Hereafter
  4. Red
  5. Secretariat

While Andrew and Tony grapple with numbers and projections, Jonathan decides to stick with his gut:

  1. Jackass 3-D
  2. Paranormal Activity 2
  3. Red
  4. Hereafter
  5. Secretariat

Whose got it right this week?!?

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