Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #17

Andrew & Tony have survived the Snow while Jonathan has re-located his whole operation to the warmer climes of North Texas where they apparently don’t have internet. We tell our respective war stories, compare scars and accidentally reveal where Jonathan may really be this week.

As we look back at last weekend Tony discovers that Andrew either has a concussion or is indulging in highly revisionist history. We also discover that one host has unlocked a new achievement for the show (hint – it’s not Hoss). Tony takes the lead this weekend with 24 points (80%), while Andrew brings in his usual 20 points (20%) and Hoss is eating our trail dust with 18 points (20%).

Green Hornet and The Dilemma both open in wide release this weekend while Black Swan expands into 2,000+ theaters. Spoiler – Andrew’s brain explodes during our Green Hornet discussion. Listen closely and try to find the exact moment.

Tony’s Picks:

  1. Green Hornet
  2. The Dilemma
  3. True Grit
  4. Black Swan
  5. Little Fockers

Andrew’s Picks:

  1. Green Hornet
  2. The Dilemma
  3. True Grit
  4. Little Fockers
  5. Black Swan

Hoss’s Picks:

  1. True Grit
  2. Green Hornet
  3. The Dilemma
  4. Little Fockers
  5. Black Swan

Andrew talks pinball smack about a certain Way of the Game host (hint – it’s not Hoss).

One reply on “Back Seat Box Office #17”

I’m still having a problem downloading just the Back Seat Box Office feed in iTunes. It briefly appeared in the store correctly but now it is showing up as a clone of the full feed. Looks like there is still a line in the xml or it got put back in that is telling itunes to redirect to the main feed url. Curiously I was briefly able to download individual episodes and they showed up in a separate podcast group, but when I tried to subscribe to the feed, they all disappeared.

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