Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #89

The end of an era.

There would be more show notes but we are too choked up over the loss of one of our own… or we were too lazy… one of the two.

A little late but… here they are!


Tony, Lena

  1. Snow White and the Huntsman
  2. MIB 3
  3. The Avengers
  4. The Dictator
  5. Battleship


  1. Snow White and the Huntsman
  2. MIB 3
  3. The Avengers
  4. Battleship
  5. The Dictator

Jonathan, Scott

  1. MIB 3
  2. Snow White and the Huntsman
  3. The Avengers
  4. The Dictator
  5. Battleship


  1. MIB 3
  2. Snow White and the Huntsman
  3. The Avengers
  4. Battleship
  5. The Dictator

There are no other movies in wide release this week.

9 replies on “Back Seat Box Office #89”

Mrs. Beast’s picks for the weekend of June 1 – 3, 2012:
1. Snow White And The Huntsman
2. Men In Black 3
3. The Avengers
4. Battleship
5. The Dictator

My picks for the weekend of June 1 – 3, 2012:
1. Snow White And The Remake
2. Avengers
3. Men In Black 3
4. Dictator
5. Battleship

and I will predict (absent show notes and having not heard the show yet) that everyone will “ditto” either Father or Mrs. Beast…

Welcome to the Summer Season everyone!!
Where picks are easy (well, easier) and often the same….

As a farewell to Andrew, I choose to lovingly ditto him this week. As nothing to do with the fact I’m busy…

Mrs. Beast’s picks for the weekend of June 8 – 10, 2012:
1. Prometheus
2. Snow White
3. Men In Black
4. Avengers
5. Madagascar 3

My picks for the weekend of June 8 – 10, 2012:
1. Prometheus
2. Madagascar
3. Snow White
4. 3 Men In Black
5. Avengers

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