Back Seat Box Office BSBO Results Shows

Back Seat Box Office #103 Results and Voice Mail

Thanks to Tad for the voicemail!

Congrats to BD and Andrew for their high scores of 24!

2 replies on “Back Seat Box Office #103 Results and Voice Mail”

Well, after two weeks of pretty mediocre box office outcomes, I think the dry spell may end.

1) Finding Nemo 3D – It is either this, or Resident Evil: Retribution. I’m going to take the risk and throw the dice for the clownfish.

2) Resident Evil: Retribution – After all the lightweight crap that has come out, I expect this will float to just beneath the clownfish.

3) Possession – Meh.

4) Lawless – Meh.

5) Expendables 2 – Meh. But only because it’s been out for so long.

Post-summer box offices are so boring and depressing…

yah, it’s a ‘meh’ week, but with a cool re-release and a better-than-recent new film:

1) Finding Nemo 3D
2) Resident Evil (whatever # it is now)
3) Possession- wont fall enough, or fast enough
4) Lawless- still my choice but won’t swap places yet (has most theaters tho’)
5) The Words- Small fall? Crazy Ivan pick? Or just F/u it?. Hey, I dunno but I pick ok?

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