Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #139 & Results #138

Congrats to Lena and Mrs. Beast for their perfect 25s!

Thanks to Art, Nick and Tad for their voice mails.

Welcome to the Back Seat family, Art!



  1. Star Trek Into Darkness
  2. Iron man 3
  3. The Great Gatsby
  4. Pain and Gain
  5. Peeples


  1. Star Trek Into Darkness
  2. Iron Man 3
  3. The Great Gatsby
  4. Pain and Gain
  5. 42


  1. Star Trek Into Darkness
  2. Iron Man 3
  3. The Great Gatsby
  4. 42
  5. Peeples

There are no other movies in wide release this weekend.

Back Seat Art House picks:

  • Lena – The English Teacher
  • Jeff – Black Rock
  • Art – Old Dogs