Back Seat Producers Fanboy Smackdown Season 01 Shows

FBSD Episode 2: Another visit to Uncle George's house

This time Tony and Tony take a peek at George Lucas’ earlier (pre-Star Wars) films.

We discuss THX-1138 and American Graffiti and contrast his work in these films with those other movies he made later.

Don’t forget to send us some feedback. Let us know what you think of the show, our sound, or anything you might want us to take a swipe at in a later episode.

Contact us! 206-339-FBSD (3273)
fanboysmackdown @
fanboysmackdown on skype
or just leave a comment at the website!

Back Seat Producers Fanboy Smackdown Season 01 Shows

FBSD Episode 1: Star Wars – the first three vs. um… the first three

Tony and Tony present an analysis and a few opinions on Star Wars. We take a look at the progression of the story through the six episodes as well as the progression of the films as they were released.

Join in the fun! Contact us!
206-339-FBSD (3273)
fanboysmackdown @
fanboysmackdown on skype
or just leave a comment at the website!

Yeah, it’s the first episode, give us a few ‘casts for us to get the hang of this thing.