
Weekend Box Office: September 2 – 4

#1 The Help from Buena Vista holds at #1 with a weekend gross of $14.5 million (+0.4%) in 2843 theaters (+65). Total gross to date is $118.9 million. Budget was $25 million.

#2 The Debt from Focus debuts at #2 with an opening weekend gross of $9.9 million in 1826 theaters. Budget is unknown.

#3 Apollo 18 from Weinstein/Dimension debuts at #3 with an opening weekend gross of $8.7 million in 3328 theaters. Budget is unknown.

#4 Shark Night 3D from Relativity debuts at #4 with an opening weekend gross of $8.4 million in 2806 theaters. Budget is unknown.

#5 Rise of the Planet of the Apes from Fox drops from #3 to #5 with a weekend gross of $7.9 million (-10.7%) in 3193 theaters (-181). Total gross to date is $160.1 million. Budget was $93 million.

#6 Colombiana from TriStar drops from #2 to #6 with a weekend gross of $7.4 million (-28.3%) in 2614 theaters (no change). Total gross to date is $22.0 million. Budget was $40 million.

Rounding out the top 12 are:

#7 Our Idiot Brother drops from #5 to #7 with a weekend gross of $5.4 million (-22.3%) in 2555 theaters (no change). Total gross to date is $15.6 million. Budget was $5 million.

#8 Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark drops from #4 to #8 with a weekend gross of $5.1 million (-39.1%) in 2780 theaters (+20). Total gross to date is $16.6 million. Budget was $25 million.

#9 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World drops from #6 to #9 with a weekend gross of $4.8 million (-19.8%) in 3007 theaters (-298). Total gross to date is $29.2 million. Budget was $27 million.

#10 The Smurfs drops from #7 to #10 with a weekend gross of $4.0 million (-13.8%) in 2706 theaters (-155). Total gross to date is $132.0 million. Budget was $110 million.

#11 Crazy, Stupid, Love drops from #9 to #11 with a weekend gross of $3.3 million (+6.4%) in 1450 theaters (-127). Total gross to date is $74.5 million. Budget was $50 million.

#12 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 holds at #12 with a weekend gross of $2.4 million (-3.6%) in 1092 theaters (-236). Total gross to date is $374.6 million. Budget is unknown.

The combined gross of the top 12 movies this weekend was $82.3 million (+10.1%).

New movies debuting in wide release this weekend are Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star, Contagion and Warrior.

A note on “Gross”: On average, studios will earn approximately 55 percent of the final gross.

Box Office Mojo

Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #50

Amongst the hosts, Jonathan came in first this week with 25 points, Tony came in second with 24 points while Andrew brought up the rear with 20 points. Average scores for the first thirty-five weeks of 2011 have Jonathan in first place with 20.91 points, Tony in second with 20.71 and Andrew in third with 20.31 points.

Visit our scoreboard for a comprehensive list of results as well as an explanation of our scoring system. Play along at home, email or call your picks in before Friday night and get on the board.

New movies debuting in wide release this weekend are Apollo 18, Shark Night 3D, and The Debt.

Picks for the week:


  1. The Help
  2. Apollo 18
  3. Shark Night 3D
  4. The Debt
  5. Colombiana


  1. Apollo 18
  2. The Help
  3. Shark Night 3D
  4. Colombiana
  5. Rise of the Planet of the Apes


  1. Apollo 18
  2. Shark Night 3D
  3. The Help
  4. The Debt
  5. Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Got something to say? Head over the the Back Seat Producers forum and let us know what you think.


Weekend Box Office: August 26 – 28

#1 The Help from Buena Vista holds at #1 with a weekend gross of $14.5 million (-27.4%) in 2778 theaters (+88). Total gross to date is $96.8 million. Budget was $25 million.

#2 Colombiana from TriStar debuts at #2 with an opening weekend gross of $10.4 million in 2614 theaters. Budget was $40 million.

#3 Rise of the Planet of the Apes from Fox drops from #2 to #3 with a weekend gross of $8.8 million (-45.0%) in 3374 theaters (-97). Total gross to date is $148.6 million. Budget was $93 million.

#4 Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark from Film District debuts at #4 with an opening weekend gross of $8.5 million in 2760 theaters. Budget was $25 million.

#5 Our Idiot Brother from Weinstein debuts at #5 with an opening weekend gross of $7.0 million in 2555 theaters. Budget was $5 million.

#6 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World from Weinstein/Dimension drops from #3 to #6 with a weekend gross of $6.0 million (-48.4%) in 3305 theaters (+10). Total gross to date is $21.9 million. Budget was $27 million.

Rounding out the top 12 are:

#7 The Smurfs drops from #5 to #7 with a weekend gross of $4.7 million (-39.1%) in 2861 theaters (-196). Total gross to date is $125.9 million. Budget was $110 million.

#8 Conan the Barbaian drops from #4 to #8 with a weekend gross of $3.1 million (-68.2%) in 3015 theaters (no change). Total gross to date is $16.6 million. Budget was $90 million.

#9 Crazy, Stupid, Love jumps from #10 to #9 with a weekend gross of $3.1 million (-35.2%) in 1577 theaters (-363). Total gross to date is $69.7 million. Budget was $50 million.

#10 Fright Night drops from #6 to #10 with a weekend gross of $3.1 million (-59.8%) in 3114 theaters (no change). Total gross to date is $14.2 million. Budget was $30 million.

#11 30 Minutes of Less drops from #8 to #11 with a weekend gross of $2.6 million (-58.0%) in 2071 theaters (-817). Total gross to date is $31.7 million. Budget was $28 million.

#12 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 drops from #11 to #12 with a weekend gross of $2.5 million (-43.2%) in 1328 theaters (-410). Total gross to date is $370.8 million. Budget is unknown.

The combined gross of the top 12 movies this weekend was $74.7 million (-29.5%).

New movies debuting in wide release this weekend are Apollo 18, Shark Night 3D, and The Debt.

A note on “Gross”: On average, studios will earn approximately 55 percent of the final gross.

Box Office Mojo

Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #49

Amongst the hosts, Jonathan and Tony tied for first this week with 12 points each while Andrew brought up the rear with 10 points. Average scores for the first thirty-four weeks of 2011 have Jonathan in first place with 20.79 points, Tony in second with 20.62 and Andrew in third with 20.32 points.

Visit our scoreboard for a comprehensive list of results as well as an explanation of our scoring system. Play along at home, email or call your picks in before Friday night and get on the board.

New movies debuting in wide release this weekend are Colombiana, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, and Our Idiot Brother.

Picks for the week:

  1. The Help
  2. Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
  3. Colombiana
  4. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  5. Spy Kids: All the Time in the World


  1. The Help
  2. Colombiana
  3. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  4. Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
  5. Our Idiot Brother


  1. The Help
  2. Colombiana
  3. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  4. Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
  5. Spy Kids: All the Time in the World

Got something to say? Head over the the Back Seat Producers forum and let us know what you think.


Weekend Box Office: August 19 – 21

#1 The Help from Buena Vista jumps from #2 to #1 with a weekend gross of $20.0 million (-23.1%) in 2690 theaters (+156). Total gross to date is $71.3 million. Budget was $25 million.

#2 Rise of the Planet of the Apes from Fox drops from #1 to #2 with a weekend gross of $16.1 million (-42.1%) in 3471 theaters (-220). Total gross to date is $133.5 million. Budget was $93 million.

#3 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World from Weinstein/Dimension debuts at #3 with an opening weekend gross of $11.6 million in 3295 theaters. Budget was $27 million.

#4 Conan the Barbaian from Lionsgate debuts at #4 with an opening weekend gross of $10.0 million in 3015 theaters. Budget was $90 million.

#5 The Smurfs from Sony drops from #4 to #5 with a weekend gross of $7.8 million (-43.2%) in 3057 theaters (-370). Total gross to date is $117.5 million. Budget was $110 million.

#6 Fright Night from Buena Vista debuts at #6 with an opening weekend gross of $7.7 million in 3114 theaters. Budget was $30 million.

Rounding out the top 12 are:

#7 Final Destination 5 drops from #3 to #7 with a weekend gross of $7.7 million (-57.3%) in 3155 theaters (no change). Total gross to date is $32.3 million. Budget was $40 million.

#8 30 Minutes of Less drops from #5 to #8 with a weekend gross of $6.4 million (-52.0%) in 2888 theaters (no change). Total gross to date is $25.8 million. Budget was $28 million.

#9 One Day debuts at #9 with an opening weekend gross of $5.0 million in 1719 theaters. Budget was $15 million.

#10 Crazy, Stupid, Love drops from #9 to #10 with a weekend gross of $4.7 million (-32.0%) in 1940 theaters (-695). Total gross to date is $64.2 million. Budget was $50 million.

#11 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 drops from #7 to #11 with a weekend gross of $4.5 million (-37.8%) in 1738 theaters (-676). Total gross to date is $366.0 million. Budget is unknown.

#12 Cowboys & Aliens drops from #6 to #12 with a weekend gross of $4.2 million (-46.0%) in 2213 theaters (-1097). Total gross to date is $89.4 million. Budget was $163 million.

The combined gross of the top 12 movies this weekend was $106.0 million (-25.9%).

New movies debuting in wide release this weekend are Colombiana, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, and Our Idiot Brother.

A note on “Gross”: On average, studios will earn approximately 55 percent of the final gross.

Box Office Mojo

Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #48

Amongst the hosts, Tony was first this week with 19 points, Jonathan is in second with 15 points and Andrew is third with 10 points. Average scores for the first thirty-one weeks of 2011 have Jonathan in first place with 21.06 points, Tony is in second place with 20.88 and Andrew is in third with 20.64 points.

Visit our scoreboard for a comprehensive list of results as well as an explanation of our scoring system. Play along at home, email or call your picks in before Friday night and get on the board.

New movies debuting in wide release this weekend are Conan the Barbarian, Frigth Night, One Day and Spy Kids: All the TIme in the World.

Picks for the week:

  1. Spy Kids: All the Time in the World
  2. Conan the Barbarian
  3. Fright Night
  4. The Help
  5. Rise of the Planet of the Apes


  1. Spy Kids: All the Time in World
  2. Fright Night
  3. The Help
  4. Conan the Barbarian
  5. Rise of the Planet of the Apes


  1. Spy Kids: All the Time in the World
  2. Fright Night
  3. The Help
  4. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  5. Conan the Barbarian

Got something to say? Head over the the Back Seat Producers forum and let us know what you think.


Weekend Box Office: August 12 – 14

#1 Rise of the Planet of the Apes from Fox holds at #1 with a weekend gross of $27.8 million (-49.2%) in 3691 theaters (+43). Total gross to date is $105.2 million. Budget was $93 million.

#2 The Help from Buena Vista debuts at #2 with an opening weekend gross of $26.0 million in 2534 theaters. Budget was $25 million.

#3 Final Destination 5 from Warner Brothers debuts at #3 with an opening weekend gross of $18.0 million in 3155 theaters. Budget was $40 million.

#4 The Smurfs from Sony drops from #2 to #4 with a weekend gross of $13.7 million (-33.7%) in 3427 theaters (+32). Total gross to date is $101.7 million. Budget was $110 million.

#5 30 Minutes of Less from Sony debuts at #5 with an opening weekend gross of $13.3 million in 2888 theaters. Budget was $28 million.

#6 Cowboys & Aliens from Universal drops from #3 to # 6 with a weekend gross of $7.8 million (-50.3%) in 3310 theaters (-444). Total gross to date is $81.6 million. Budget was $163 million.

Rounding out the top 12 are:

#7 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 drops from #6 to #7 with a weekend gross of $7.2 million (-41.7%) in 2414 theaters (-761). Total gross to date is $357.3 million. Budget is unknown.

#8 Captain America: The First Avenger drops from #5 to #8 with a weekend gross of $7.2 million (-44.6%) in 2835 theaters (-785). Total gross to date is $156.9 million. Budget was $140 million.

#9 Crazy, Stupid, Love drops from #7 to #9 with a weekend gross of $7.0 million (-41.3%) in 2635 theaters (-385). Total gross to date is $55.5 million. Budget was $50 million.

#10 The Change-Up drops from #4 to #10 with a weekend gross of $6.3 million (-53.4%) in 2913 theaters (no change). Total gross to date is $25.8 million. Budget was $52 million.

#11 Glee the 3D Concert Movie debuts at #11 with a weekend gross of $5.9 million in 2040 theaters. Budget was $9 million.

#12 Horrible Bosses drops from #9 to #12 with a weekend gross of $2.4 million (-46.8%) in 1338 theaters (-687). Total gross to date is $110.0 million. Budget was $35 million.

The combined gross of the top 12 movies this weekend was $143.0 million (-9.5%).

New movies debuting in wide release this weekend are Conan the Barbarian, Frigth Night, One Day and Spy Kids: All the TIme in the World.

A note on “Gross”: On average, studios will earn approximately 55 percent of the final gross.

Box Office Mojo

Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #47

(Note: Due to a scheduling conflict, I didn’t have time to edit this episode.  I’ll edit this episode next week and add music and whatnot.  Thanks for listening and putting up with the unedited ums, uhs, dead air and naughty words. Thanks! – Tony)

Amongst the hosts, there was a four way tie with Jonathan, Andrew, Tony and Tim all getting 21 points. Average scores for the first thirty-two weeks of 2011 have Jonathan in first place with 21.25 points, Andrew is in second place with 20.97 and Tony is in third with 20.94 points.

Visit our scoreboard for a comprehensive list of results as well as an explanation of our scoring system. Play along at home, email or call your picks in before Friday night and get on the board.

New movies debuting in wide release this weekend are 30 Minutes or Less, Final Destination 5, Glee The 3D Concert Movie and The Help.

Picks for the week:

  1. Final Destination 5
  2. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  3. 30 Minutes or Less
  4. Glee
  5. The Smurfs


  1. Final Destination 5
  2. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  3. 30 Minutes or Less
  4. The Smurfs
  5. The Help


  1. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  2. Final Destination 5
  3. 30 Minutes or Less
  4. The Help
  5. The Smurfs


  1. Final Destination 5
  2. 30 Minutes or Less
  3. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  4. The Help
  5. The Smurfs
  6. Got something to say? Head over the the Back Seat Producers forum and let us know what you think.

Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #46

Amongst the hosts, Jonathan was first this week with 23 points, Andrew is in second with 19 points and Tony is third with 15 points. Average scores for the first thirty-one weeks of 2011 have Jonathan in first place with 21.26 points, Andrew is in second place with 20.97 and Tony is in third with 20.94 points.

The Cowboys and Aliens story referenced by Tony.
The Harry Potter article referenced by Tony.
It’s Ape Week over at Ideology of Madness!!!

Visit our scoreboard for a comprehensive list of results as well as an explanation of our scoring system. Play along at home, email or call your picks in before Friday night and get on the board.

New movies debuting in wide release this weekend are Rise of the Planet of the Apes and The Change-Up.

Picks for the week:

  1. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  2. The Change-Up
  3. The Smurfs
  4. Cowboys and Aliens
  5. Captain America: The First Avenger


  1. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  2. The Change-Up
  3. The Smurfs
  4. Cowboys and Aliens
  5. Captain America: The First Avenger


  1. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
  2. The Change-Up
  3. The Smurfs
  4. Cowboys and Aliens
  5. Captain America: The First Avenger

Got something to say? Head over the the Back Seat Producers forum and let us know what you think.


Weedend Box Office: July 29 – 31

#1 Cowboys & Aliens from Universal debuts at #1 with an opening weekend gross of $36.4 million in 3750 theaters. Budget was $163 million.

#2 The Smurfs from Sony debuts at #2 with an opening weekend gross of $35.6 million in 3395 theaters. Budget was $110 million.

#3 Captain America: The First Avenger from Paramount drops from #1 to #3 with a weekend gross of $25.5 million (-60.7%) in 3715 theaters (no change). Total gross to date is $117.4 million. Budget was $140 million.

#4 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 from Warner Brother drops from #2 to #4 with a weekend gross of $21.9 million (-53.7%) in 4145 theaters (-230). Total gross to date is $318.5 million. Budget is unknown.

#5 Crazy, Stupid, Love from Warner Brothers debuts at #5 with an opening weekend gross of $19.1 million in 3020 theaters. Budget was $50 million.

#6 Friends with Benefits from Screen Gems drops from #3 to #6 with a weekend gross of $9.2 million (-50.2%) in 2926 theaters (no change). Total gross to date is $38.1 million. Budget was $35 million.

Rounding out the top 12 are:

#7 Horrible Bosses drops from #5 to #7 with a weekend gross of $7.1 million (-39.5%) in 2510 theaters (-594). Total gross to date is $96.2 million. Budget was $35 million.

#8 Transformers: Dark of the Moon drops from #4 to #8 with a weekend gross of $6.0 million (-49.5%) in 2604 theaters (-771). Total gross to date is $338.0 million. Budget was $195 million.

#9 Zookeeper drops from #6 to #9 with a weekend gross of $4.3 million (-50.6%) in 2418 theaters (-797). Total gross to date is $68.8 million. Budget was $80 million.

#10 Cars 2 drops from #7 to #10 with a weekend gross of $2.3 million (-58.5%) in 1763 theaters (-905). Total gross to date is $182.1 million. Budget was $200 million.

#11 Winnie the Pooh drops from #8 to #11 with a weekend gross of $1.7 million (-65.6%) in 1632 theaters (-773). Total gross to date is $22.4 million. Budget was $30 million.

#12 Midnight in Paris drops from #10 to #12 with a weekend gross of $1.1 million (-35.9%) in 471 theaters (-150). Total gross to date is $46.8 million. Budget was $30 million.

The combined gross of the top 12 movies this weekend was $170.8 million (-5.8%).

New movies debuting in wide release this weekend are Rise of the Planet of the Apes and The Change-Up.

A note on “Gross”: On average, studios will earn approximately 55 percent of the final gross.

Box Office Mojo