Back Seat Producers Season 14 Shows

BSP Episode 489: The Lobster

We’re back!

Also, dating in the near future is weird, yo.


We streamed this episode on Wednesday night.  If you aren’t doing anything on Wednesday around 9 PM central, check out our Twitch stream.

BackSeatProducers on

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • Kayla

This episode was recorded on November 20th, 2019.

Back Seat Producers Season 14 Shows

BSP Episode 488: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Charlie and Bruce and Rick and Cliff and Sharon and Roman and Jay… and a host of others in Tarantino’s vision of Hollywood in ’69.


We streamed this episode on Wednesday night.  If you aren’t doing anything on Wednesday around 9 PM central, check out our Twitch stream.

BackSeatProducers on

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • Kayla
  • Lena
  • Holden

This episode was recorded on September 25th, 2019.

Back Seat Producers Season 14 Shows

BSP Episode 487: Spider-Man: Far From Home

We talk about so many Spider-Men… Seriously, I think just about all of them get a mention.


We streamed this episode on Wednesday night.  If you aren’t doing anything on Wednesday around 9 PM central, check out our Twitch stream.

BackSeatProducers on

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • David
  • Kayla
  • Lena

This episode was recorded on September 4th, 2019.

Back Seat Producers Season 14 Shows

BSP Episode 486: I Am Mother

Just a couple of podcasters, kickin’ it old school.

That’s right, just two of us!

There was a serious issue with the audio. I didn’t want to lose what we had, but this was the best I could do without waiting even longer to release this one.

We streamed this episode on Wednesday night.  If you aren’t doing anything on Wednesday around 9 PM central, check out our Twitch stream.

BackSeatProducers on

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • David

This episode was recorded on August 14th, 2019.

Back Seat Producers Season 14 Shows

BSP Episode 485: Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too

Miley Cyrus… but also… LENA’S back!!!!!!

We streamed this episode on Wednesday night.  If you aren’t doing anything on Wednesday around 9 PM central, check out our Twitch stream.

BackSeatProducers on

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • David
  • Kayla
  • Anna
  • Lena!!!

This episode was recorded on July 24th, 2019.

Back Seat Producers Season 14 Shows

BSP Episode 484: Black Mirror: Smithereens

Not the band, the social media platform.


We streamed this episode on Wednesday night.  If you aren’t doing anything on Wednesday around 9 PM central, check out our Twitch stream.

BackSeatProducers on

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • David
  • Kayla
  • Anna

This episode was recorded on June 26th, 2019.

Back Seat Producers Season 14 Shows

BSP Episode 483: Black Mirror: Striking Vipers

This is the real danger of video games.

Spoiler: It’s not.

We streamed this episode on Wednesday night.  If you aren’t doing anything on Wednesday around 9 PM central, check out our Twitch stream.

BackSeatProducers on

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • David
  • Kayla
  • Anna

This episode was recorded on June 26th, 2019.

Back Seat Producers Season 14 Shows

BSP Episode 482: Brightburn

Okay, just so we’re all on the same page here.

This is a low key Elseworlds Superman story.

We streamed this episode on Wednesday night.  If you aren’t doing anything on Wednesday around 9 PM central, check out our Twitch stream.

BackSeatProducers on

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • David
  • Kayla

This episode was recorded on June 12th, 2019.

Back Seat Producers Season 14 Shows

BSP Episode 481: Logan’s Run

At some point, you have, or you’re going to turn 30.

Tony will probably give you a copy of this movie for your birthday that year.

We streamed this episode on Wednesday night.  If you aren’t doing anything on Wednesday around 9 PM central, check out our Twitch stream.

BackSeatProducers on

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • David
  • Kayla

This episode was recorded on May 29th, 2019.

Back Seat Producers Season 14 Shows

BSP Episode 480: The Wandering Earth

The author of The Three-Body Problem tells a tale of turning the planet into a rocket.

We streamed this episode on Wednesday night.  If you aren’t doing anything on Wednesday around 9 PM central, check out our Twitch stream.

BackSeatProducers on

Your producers for this episode are:

  • Tony
  • David
  • Kayla

This episode was recorded on May 22nd, 2019.