Back Seat Producers Fanboy Smackdown Season 01 Shows

FBSD Episode 8: The Break-Up

Yes, it’s late.

Anywho, this time out we talk about the new Vinnifer Vaughniston movie, The Break-Up.

If the sound isn’t quite right, I’ll take the hit for that.� We are still experiencing technical difficulties, and I had to actually do some editing this time around instead of just typing out all of this info that you guys probably ignore anyway.

If all goes well, we should have 7.5 in the feed by Monday at the latest.� Until then, don’t forget to send us your feedback, we will respond to it, and we might even post it when we respond to it if we can keep a stable outgoing internet connection on Tony’s machine.


You can, as always, reach us at: fanboysmackdown @
Voicemail: 206-339-FBSD (3273)
Skype: fanboysmackdown

or in the comments section (be the first, you know you want to) at the website

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