Hello all –
I just wanted to let everyone know that starting tomorrow, Podcast Pickle is running a contest called Pickle Tales. This is an “American Idol”-style contest featuring podcasting instead of singing… thankfully.
Anyway, the idea is that from October 15th through October 31st, people were free to submit 5 minute stories to the competition. 26 stories were submitted, mine being one of them. These stories were then judged and the top twelve were selected. I found out just yesterday that mine was amongst those twelve.
Beginning TOMORROW, November 6th, 2006, six of the stories, including mine, will be podcast from the pickle tales feed and voting will begin. Voting ends on November 9th, so get out there, listen to the stories and vote! I don’t mind if you vote for mine or not (though I’d REALLY appreciate a vote), but if you do listen to the stories and you hear mine, I’d love to get feedback on it. Thanks!
While you are at podcast pickle, make sure you sign up and add your favorite podcast to your favorites (and Fanboy Smackdown too 🙂 ). The more times they appear in someone’s
favorites the higher they end up on lists… and the higher you are on the lists, the more likely people will be drawn to your show.
You can find out more about Podcast Pickle at www.podcastpickle.com
You can find out more about the Pickle Tales competition at www.podcastpickle.com/pickletales
You can subscribe to the Pickle Tales Feed at pickletales.picklefeeds.com/
If you enjoy podcast fiction (assuming most of them are just that) check out pickle tales and spread the word. All 26 stories will be eventually podcast throughout the run of the competition, and as the rounds advance, there will be new stories added each round. If I’m
doing my math right, you’ll hear about 46 pieces of new fiction throughout the course of the competition.