Explicit! Jonathan gets potty-mouthed when he’s been drinking.
Amongst the hosts, Jonathan was first this week with 25 points, Andrew was in second with 24 and Tony is third with 22 points. Average scores for the first twenty-eight weeks of 2011 have Jonathan in first place with 21.29 points, Tony is in second place with 21.07 and Andrew is in third with 20.86 points.
Visit our scoreboard for a comprehensive list of results as well as an explanation of our scoring system. Play along at home, email or call your picks in before Friday night and get on the board.
New movies debuting in wide release this weekend are Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 and Winnie the Pooh.
Picks for the week:
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
- Winnie the Pooh
- Horrible Bosses
- Zookeeper
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
- Horrible Bosses
- Zookeeper
- Cars 2
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
- Horrible Bosses
- Winnie the Pooh
- Zookeeper
Got something to say? Head over the the Back Seat Producers forum and let us know what you think.
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9 replies on “Back Seat Box Office #43”
I’m still listening to this episode, but I need to get these picks in otherwise I’ll forget.
Oh, and Jonathan, ya need to lay off the sauce, man. You kiss your mother with that mouth?
1) Harry Potter & the Deathly Hollows part 2 – Are ya kidding me. This should be in the category of, if you don’t pick it, the hosts will fix it for you. It is the end of an era for many, and this film, when combined with Lord of the Rings proves that if you take a known literary strength and build off of it, you make not just money, but a sh!t-load of money. Assuming your writing is any good and has a solid fanbase (examples of failure include the Golden Compass of a few years back).
2)Transformers: Dark of the Moon – Even Optimus Prime can’t compete with the raw power of Harry Potter. This will drop biiiiiiigg.
3) Horrible Bosses – Is Jason Bateman still bankable in the face of this kind of competition? Let’s hope so.
4) Zookeeper – What is with Kevin James? I don’t find him all that funny, but his movies perform like he’s the second coming of John Candy.
5) Winnie the Pooh – Oh dear. I picked the wrong time to come back into the sunlight. This Harry Potter business is so much more popular than I am….
1. Harry Potter 7-2
2.Transformers – bark at the moon
3.Horrible Bosses
4.Winnie the Pooh
a thought: for these cases where there is an obvious number one how about a side bet on how many millions it brings in?
I’m having a hard time picking a spot for a new movie this week. Not Harry Potter. That’s a no-brainer. There’s no way Transformers is beating the wizard. No, my problem is a bear. Pooh Bear that is, as in Winnie the Pooh. I’m having a hard time figuring out where it’s going to fit in. Guess I’ll work it out as I build my list…
1) Harry Potter 7 part 2 – There is no way this is not #1. Shoot, fridays tickets alone will probably be enough to win the weekend.
2) Transformers 3 – Cooling down from a big high but I think it will still do better than everyone besides Harry.
3) Horrible Bosses – Don’t let the name fool you, this is a terrific movie. I eagerly anticipate the future Back Seat Producers episode for this one
4) Winnie the Pooh – The Bear just doesn’t feel as popular to me as he used to be. Granted I don’t have any kids so I’m out of certain loops but I don’t think it will do enough to get in the top 3 unless H.B. somehow falls really far.
5) Zookeeper – At the last minute I considered putting Cars 2 here, Zookeeper is getting thrashed, but ultimately I’ve decided to keep it as number 5
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2
2. Transformers: Dark of the Moon
3. Horrible Bosses
4. Winnie the Pooh
5. Zookeeper
ok, lets see if my old friend Pooh can beat a man with a talking gorilla:
1) Harry Potter/ Deathly Hallows part 2– saw this last night, right after part 1, and liked it just fine (despite some quibbles). Doesn’t need the 3D, tho.
2) Transformers 3– Michael Bay, savior of 3D? Who knew? (actually, it’s not that much of a stretch)
3) Horrible Bosses– if this takes the numbers from Bad Teacher, it could even have a less than 50% fall. It would have to fall very fast to do worse.
4) Winnie the Pooh– I’m probl’y being sentimental, but I think this will beat out the talking animals. To choose otherwise would be too psychologically painful.
5) Zookeeper– it wont fall fast enough to get below the older movies out there.
But the real question is whether or not Captain America can beat out week 2 of the HP7 juggernaut to grab #1….
BD – Captain America Vs. The Juggernaut? In the comics, cap would stay alive, but any hit he made on juggy would not even be noticed. I think something similar will happen next week, as HP7-2 rolls over everything. Will cowboys and aliens take over after that? if not, then the apes may not after that. This may stay in front for a while…..
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part2
2. Transformers: Dark of the Moon
3. Winnie the Pooh
4. Horrible Bosses
5. Zookeeper
Father Beast- yeah, I’m afraid you’re probl’y right- I see it in Cowboys director Jon Favreau’s comment that the summer would be brutal- he was setting lower expectations months ago because of it. I think the Captain America folks know it too- I’ve seen more ads for Friends With Benefits than for Cap. Everybody run from the power of the Potter juggernaut!
To the Hosts– the debate over Pooh cracked me up! One thing you may not have taken into account: Parents with more than one kid will opt for Pooh for the younger ones while the older ones see HP7. The short run time on Pooh will work against that
BD does ask the big question. Cap vs Potter this weekend. My maths have them within $10 million of each other.