Back Seat Box Office BSBO Results Shows

Back Seat Box Office #61 Results and Voice Mail

Congrats to EVERYONE this week.  The average score for all participants was just over 24.  We had TEN 25s including the coveted GOLDEN TRIFECTA amongst the hosts.

Thanks also the the following folks who sent in voicemail and MP3 files:

  • Scott
  • Tad (x2)
  • William

5 replies on “Back Seat Box Office #61 Results and Voice Mail”

Now that we are looking at the Turkey Day/Black Friday weekend, I’ve got some picks to submit.

1) Breaking Dawn Part 1 – Not likely to slow down for the holidays. Bloody & violent half-vampire births make for good holiday film fare apparently. Remember girls, having sex = pregnancy, and when you do it with a hot vampire, it can kill you. Or force you to become a vampire due to imminent exsanguination. “Oh, Edward, take me so I can nearly die giving birth to our half-vampire mutant child!” Because we all know that dead things can create new life in the living.

2) The Muppets – If only Jason Segel wasn’t involved so intimately, I’d be game for this. I still might see it, but his generally irritating performances will turn me off for a while.

3) Arthur Christmas – I really think this looks uniquely stupid, but the American public never ceases to confuse me at the box office. It does have a huge, mostly British, voice cast. That is consistent with its production at Aardman Studios, the guys that gave the world Wallace & Gromit.

4) Happy Feet 2 – Still holding on. If Arthur Christmas didn’t look so stupid, this might lose more ground, but I don’t expect it to.

5) Hugo – Only because it is on so few screens do I put this film this low. Happy Feet is still on 3000-odd screens, and Hugo, poor guy, is going to only be on 1200. Not even Scorsese at the helm and accolades from James Cameron on Scorsese’s use of 3D seems to be able to boost its number of screens. Of the new films this holiday weekend, this is the only one I want to see.

I’d like to say that I’m happy to take the 23 and stand on principle, for picking the better movie to do better.

I’d like to say that, I really would….

BD, I respect your desire to stand on principle.

I’m not doing it where the American public is concerned, but I salute you for taking a stand.

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