Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #94



  1. The Amazing Spider-Man
  2. Ted
  3. Magic Mike
  4. Brave
  5. Katy Perry: Part of Me

Jonathan, Lena

  1. The Amazing Spider-Man
  2. Ted
  3. Brave
  4. Magic Mike
  5. Katy Perry: Part of Me


  1. The Amazing Spider-Man
  2. Ted
  3. Magic Mike
  4. Katy Perry: Part of Me
  5. Brave

Also in wide release this weekend, Savages.

8 replies on “Back Seat Box Office #94”

I don’t know what you guys are smoking, there’s no way K.P. is going to break into the top 5. I refuse to believe it. Here’s my picks

1) The Redundant Spider Man
2) Ted
3) Brave
4) Magic Mike
5) Savages

My picks for the weekend of July 6 – 8, 2012:
1. Spider Man
2. Ted
3. Braver than Mike
4. Mike, less brave, but more Magic
5. Katy Perry In Concert

The upshot of all that obfuscation is: I’m dittoing Jonathan.

My picks for the weekend of July 13 – 15, 2012:
1. Ice Age
2. Spider Man
3. Ted
4. Brave
5. Mike the Magicka

You may all now ditto me. I’m first, even before that sneaky William

Mrs. Beast’s picks for the weekend of July 6 – 8, 2012:
1. Amazing Spider Man
2. Katy Perry: Part Of Me
3. Savages
4. Ted
5. Magic Mike

I’m baaaaaack! (-or- working nights sucks.) I was going to go easy and just ditto Lena, but I can’t get with that katy Perry pick and I heard a good review of Savages yesterday, so (it has nothing to do with also having to risk a ditto for Jonathan….)

1) Amazing Spider-Man- despite the fact that this looks better than the last ones, too soon for a reboot that retreads the plot of a just 10 year old movie. Not that it will stop people from seeing it (that includes me.)

2) Ted- who knew the swearing bear was a hit in the making? But I kinda want to see at least the scene where the bear and Wahlberg fight, Jon Stewart seemed to think it pretty funny….

3) Brave- real close to Magic Mike and I think it’ll fall less.

4) Magic Mike- no, I’m going to resist any commentary that would um, measure this (damn, one got in!)

5) Savages- as I said above, heard a good review, or maybe I just want Tim Riggins to not have a total loss summer to Channing Tatum (and how did THAT happen?) Also counting on the big fall for Tyler Perry.

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