Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #97


Jonathan, Tony, Scott

  1. The Dark Knight Rises
  2. The Watch
  3. Step Up Revolution
  4. Ice Age: Continental Drift
  5. The Amazing Spider-Man


  1. The Dark Knight Rises
  2. The Watch
  3. Ice Age: Continental Drift
  4. Step Up Revolution
  5. The Amazing Spider-Man


  1. The Dark Knight Rises
  2. The Watch
  3. Ice Age: Continental Drift
  4. The Amazing Spider-Man
  5. Step Up Revolution

There are no other movies in wide release this weekend.

6 replies on “Back Seat Box Office #97”

I almost had to ditto Lena:

1. The Dark Knight Rises
2. The Watch
3. Ice Age: Continental Drift
4. Step Up Revolution
5. Ted

Looked for someone to ditto, but no:
1) Dark Knight Rises- with luck, nephew Monty will have seen other movies (I Know! How did he miss those?) and we can see this Sunday. No question it’s still #1 by a mile.

2) Step Up Revolution- I will freely admit I’ve seen all the previous ones. Generic story, good dancing, why mess with formula? This could end up lower, but the space, $$-wise, between #2 and #5 is rather narrow.

3) The Watch- honestly, I smell a tanking here and kind of want to leave it off my picks. But it could also end up #2, so I’m keeping it close (and fighting off the urge to drop it to fourth.) Off this list would mean less that $5 or ^ million, and wow, that IS a tanking, so it stays….

4) Ice Age 4- goes to #4, of course? Only viable kids movie, but does that get the parents out of the house? A 50% drop puts it at about $10 million, so the new releases only have to beat, say $12 million….

5) Ted- really close to Spider-Man last week, and losing less theaters, so the count is about tied for the two movies (and a faster screen loss should mean less interest, yes?) And I really don’t think the answer to ‘DKR is sold out’ is ‘Spider-Man.’ It could just as easily be ‘Ted’ (I hope.)


Mrs. Beast’s picks for the weekend of July 27 – 29, 2012:
1. Dark Knight
2. Ice Age
3. The Watch
4. Step Up Revolution
5. Spiderman

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