Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #126


  1. A Good Day to Die Hard
  2. Safe Haven
  3. Identity Thief
  4. Beautiful Creatures
  5. Escape from Planet Earth


  1. Beautiful Creatures
  2. A Good Day to Die Hard
  3. Safe Haven
  4. Identity Thief
  5. Warm Bodies

Back Seat Art House

  • Jeff – No
  • Lena – Like Someone In Love

There are no other movies in wide release this weekend.

3 replies on “Back Seat Box Office #126”

1. A Good Day to Die Hard – not enough negative buzz for this movie not to ride it’s predecessars to number one.
2. Safe Haven – don’t know a thing about this movie, but it sounds like Valentines bait so that should get it something
3. Identity Thief – another decent movie for couples to see…
4. Escape from Planet Earth – literally have not heard a thing about this until yesterday. That’s not usually a good sign. but I figure a lot of the kids will get dropped off here while Mom and Dad are…. ocuppied elsewhere.
5. Beautiful Creatures – the commercials do not warm me to this movie. Still, it has resonances to Twilight so I figure it won’t do that badly.

Menolly’s picks for the weekend of February 15 – 17, 2013:
1. Safe haven
2. Beautiful creatures
3. Identity thief
4. Warm bodies
5. A good day to die hard

Oh yeah, 4 movies to pick from? That means at least one of e’m is gonna contain a landmine for our picks. So pick the #1 well, and avoid tank city…

1. A Good Day to Die Hard- I didn’t really like the last one (but the second one was worse, I think) but I’d see this. At home probably, but this will do well this weekend, given the hype of the last few weeks.

2. Safe Haven- THE Valentine’s Day movie. Maybe not for every couple, but what about the singles audience? Could do well, but no way it takes #1, even on this holiday.

3) Identity Thief- a surprise from last week, and a good couples compromise for the ones (guys) who won’t see Safe Haven.

and here my troubles begin…

4) Escape from Planet Earth- it’s the only kids movie, but has like, NO marketing (only saw a couple ads just this week.) Still, looks decent, has 3D, and it IS a kids movie in an open field. I kind of hate putting it up at #4, but its only gotta do, what? $6 million? I don’t have enough picks to leave out two new openers…

5) Warm Bodies- and the Twilight knock-off is my choice for the movie to tank this week (sorry Lena!). It looks terrible, but might do ok, #4 or 5, but I’m using Warm Bodies as a safety pick. The zombie love affair is also a good couples alternate choice, especially the younger ones…

AAAaaaand Monty is BACK! His picks for the week:

1. A good to Die Hard
2. Identity Thief
3. Safe Haven
4. Escape from Planet Earth
5. Warm Bodies.

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