Back Seat Box Office Shows

Back Seat Box Office #193

Help Support Lilly’s Pediatric Cancer Treatment
Lilly and her family need your help (Brittney’s video)

Congrats to our new player, Brittney. She got a 25 last week, is in first place and received an entry for the Amazon $25 gift card.


1. The Fault in our Stars
2. Edge of Tomorrow
3. Maleficent
4. X-Men: Days of Future Past
5. A Million Ways to Die in the West


1. Edge of Tomorrow
2. Maleficent
3. The Fault in our Stars
4. X-Men: Days of Future Past
5. A Million Ways to Die in the West


1. Maleficent
2. Edge of Tomorrow
3. The Fault in our Stars
4. X-Men: Days of Future Past
5. A Million Ways to Die in the West

Art’s House:

Jeff picked Obvious Child
Art picked Trust Me

One reply on “Back Seat Box Office #193”

another voicemailless entry:

1) Fault in our stars – This thing is receiving a LOT of ads and reviews that basically make it seem like the next best thing to the return of Christ.
2) Edge of Tomorrow – The reviews I’ve heard make it sound a lot better then I was expecting but a lot of people are still going to stay away just because of ‘Tom Cruise Crazzzzy’
3) Maleficient
4) Xmen DoFP
5) a million ways to die

…so, ditto Jeff .

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