Back Seat Producers Fanboy Smackdown Season 01 Shows

FBSD Episode 17: Wedding Movies

Tony and Julie discuss Wedding movies.

These would be the show notes that will get expanin

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I must confess that I didn’t think about them until I listened to the show, but there are a couple of wedding movies that were critically missing from today’s show.

But, rather than spoil it here, I’ve got a note to myself to record a feedback for y’all. I think y’all should have some fun with it.

That said – it was another great show. Julie, do feel free to smack Tony (he he Smackdown a Fanboy) when he gets out of line again.

Hah… The best part of the Podcast was when you two got off-topic. Waffles? Peas? *snicker*

Go Julie; don’t let him take your list! I feel the pain, suffering from OCD myself…

And Tony, I suggest you two take a romantic night to the Waffle House.

“I must confess that I didn’t think about them until I listened to the show, but there are a couple of wedding movies that were critically missing from today’s show.”

I’m no wedding-movie fan, but I bet even I know one of them! 😉

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