Crazy busy-ness here at the Smackdown Studios.
I attempted to record an episode last night but between faulty equipment (setup) and faulty voice (too much screaming at the Queensryche concert). What I recorded wasn’t worth listening to.
I’ll get a show up before tomorrow morning.
Have a great Friday!
0 replies on “Episode 15 is on the way…”
Own up…you just want to start saving for an outtakes ep like Chris and Eliz 😉
Yeah, yeah…
Have you listened to our show?!? ;P
We might save outtakes if we actually edited anything out… 😀
You should have just said that you were on Hiatus this week like the girls 🙂
Note, we are on hiatus/non-break, but we still manage to put together new content for people. Go us! Hehe. 😉
But seriously, timing and recording shows is hard stuff. I hope the scheduling problems go away soon. 🙂