more cat pictures
So, after making some changes over to the Back Seat Producers and extending the feed to pull more files into the feed than it had previously, I was reminded of a report I got from a fan that some of the old episodes weren’t downloading properly.
Specifically, these were the “On the Lot” episodes. Most of them had one problem or another that prevented them from being successfully downloaded.
After some trial and error, I have re-uploaded each of the offending files and fixed some of the links within the feed, so if you have tried unsuccessfully to pull these episodes down in the past and are really interested in listening, (Seriously, it was a reality TV show that lasted only one season, I won’t be offended if you skip them.) they are out there.
Thanks for your patience in this. And to make up for it, in just a few hours (tomorrow morning sometime, cause, dude, do you see what time this is posted?) our next episode will be released… early!
Thanks for those that pointed out the issues, and if you have any further problems with downloads, or problems downloading old episodes drop me a note.