Back Seat Producers Fanboy Smackdown Feedback Season 01 Shows

FBSD Episode 10.5: Yep, It's Feedback

It’s about freakin’ time!

Yep, this show is about 2 weeks late. If you want the excuses, check out

This is another Feedback Episode.

We kick things off with a promo for Two Girls and a Podcast. Chris and Eliz are friends of the show and we really like what they are doing. Check them out at We follow that up with voicemail from Darren about Tony’s take on Superman Returns.

After a bit of discussion we move on to another promo.� This time we have Dani in NC’s promo for Karen from Kalifornia’s Bunkcast… though now I think these two are more of a team. We also get a great definition of Chick Flick from Dani in NC via voicemail.

We bat that around a bit, get another voicemail from Darren (Hey, where is that logo?) Then finish it off with more of our talking.

We’ve got a number of emails sprinkled throughout that we discuss as well. This is a long one, boys and girls. Also, at the end, I make a pitch for people to check out “This week’s Wingin’ It.”� That was actually two weeks ago, and you can find the episode in question here.

Thanks for listening, and for sticking around through the storms and vacation.


As always you can reach us at:
fanboysmackdown @ (leave comments for the show)
Fanboysmackdown (on Skype)
Fanboysmackdown (on Yahoo! Chess)


Lost in the storm

Ok… so, Tony had to go out of town for the weekend, leaving the editing of this big next episode up to me.

Well… apparently, somewhere along the line the final segment has gone missing.

Now, I could release what we’ve got so far, but you would miss all of our witty commentary on the final voicemail that gets played as part of the podcast.

Look for a new podcast on Monday or Tuesday. And if all goes well, another one later in the week to get us back on track and giving you the Smackdown you’ve come to expect.


Back Seat Producers Fanboy Smackdown Season 01 Shows

FBSD Episode 10.1: KABOOM! Unfortunately, not the Activision Game of the same name.

Well, we’ve got a bit of delay.

Storms ripped through the Metro St. Louis Area and did all kinds of fun things to the power lines. Fortunately, both Tonys are safe, sound and have power, but one of us has a few other houseguests due to the power outages.

Check out the news here and here.

We’ve got a tasty little nugget here for you at the end. Enjoy the new promo.

If all goes well, we’ll be up and running again by the weekend.


Back Seat Producers Fanboy Smackdown Season 01 Shows

FBSD Episode 10: Here be Super-Spoilers

We expand our discussion of Superman Returns to include all of the spoilerific moments.

Please, if you don’t want to to be spoiled to major plot points in the film, Do NOT listen to this until after you see Superman Returns.

That FOOL Tony has made a mistake and, of course, I had to come in and save there butts… AGAIN… this time though I actually let you folks see all the work these FOOLS make me do. Ugh… When does Smallville start again? – Genie

Noel Neill The picture here is of myself with Noel Neill, the first woman to play Lois Lane in a live-action film… for the Serials, and she was also the Lois Lane in the Adventures of Superman television series from the second season until it’s conclusion.

Feel free to leave us some feedback in any of the regular ways:
Leave a message in the comment section at the website
Drop us an email at fanboysmackdown @
Send a voicemail to (206) 339-FBSD (3273)
or reach us on Skype: fanboysmackdown

Back Seat Producers Fanboy Smackdown Feedback Season 01 Shows

FBSD Episode 9.5: Feedback, Chick Flicks and Boy Flicks

Thanks to Jesse (who, for the record, is a guy), Chris, Eliz and Mom.

We’ve got a couple of email from Jesse, a note from Mom, and a voice message from the two girls from Two Girls and a Podcast, Chris and Eliz.

Based on the message from Chris and Eliz, we going on a long rambling discussion of what makes a Chick Flick and how we defined Boy Flicks.

We are still looking for some hints on how we should define these types of films, so if you’ve got some added insight… please, let us know.

And yes… we are aware that we missed quite a few films when talking about Boy Flicks.

Animal House, anyone?

Enjoy and please, shoot us some notes on any of the things we discuss here or on any of our previous shows.


fanboysmackdown @
206-339-FBSD (3273)
fanboysmackdown (on skype)

Back Seat Producers Fanboy Smackdown Season 01 Shows

FBSD Episode 9: Look, up in the sky…

Up, up, and away!

For this one we are going spoiler free.

We were out among the crazies… hell, we were the crazies.

Tony and Tony (and friends) attended the pre-opening night 10PM showing of Superman Returns. You get to listen in to some edited discussion and interviews with folks as they leave the film.

Afterwards we sit down and have a discussion about our thoughts, one of us loved it, the other wanted more.

Keep in mind boys and girls… this is only part one of our Superman Returns coverage. We’ll be spoiling the hell out of this movie the next time we talk about it. Cause goodness knows there a lot here that could be spoiled.

If you want to chime in on the movie before our next show, please get in touch with us!
Email: fanboysmackdown @
Voicemail: 206-339-FBSD (3273)
Don’t forget Skype: fanboysmackdown

Once again, special thanks to Wehrenberg Theaters!


Superman's Return Delayed…

We’ve had a slight glitch with the interview that was included with the podcast… basically, the podcast is done. But if we release it ‘as is’, it will spoiler major parts of the movie.

Soooooo the edited podcast will hit sometime late tonight or early tomorrow.

Thanks again for your patience.


Back Seat Producers Fanboy Smackdown Season 01 Shows

FBSD Episode 8: The Break-Up

Yes, it’s late.

Anywho, this time out we talk about the new Vinnifer Vaughniston movie, The Break-Up.

If the sound isn’t quite right, I’ll take the hit for that.� We are still experiencing technical difficulties, and I had to actually do some editing this time around instead of just typing out all of this info that you guys probably ignore anyway.

If all goes well, we should have 7.5 in the feed by Monday at the latest.� Until then, don’t forget to send us your feedback, we will respond to it, and we might even post it when we respond to it if we can keep a stable outgoing internet connection on Tony’s machine.


You can, as always, reach us at: fanboysmackdown @
Voicemail: 206-339-FBSD (3273)
Skype: fanboysmackdown

or in the comments section (be the first, you know you want to) at the website


Technical Difficulties: Please Stand-by

Hey kids,

Well, we are experiencing some technical difficulties around here. We have Episodes 7.5 (More feedback) and 8 ready to go on a computer that can’t seem to hold an internet connection long enough to upload the files.

Our regular schedule should have had 7.5 out over last weekend and 8 out today. As soon as we can keep the connection active we’ll be dropping both episodes.

Also, we are making plans to give you guys something REALLY special for episode #9. Or rather, I should say, really SUPER� More on this when we get closer.

Again, sorry for the delays, but hey, it’s not like you are paying for this… or being advertised at… or being hounded for beer money…


Back Seat Producers Fanboy Smackdown Feedback Season 01 Shows

FBSD Episode 7.5: Feedback

When it rains, it pours.

Ok, so apparently our connectivity issues have cleared up and we are back on schedule.� Here is the promised episode 7.5. We’ve got calls from Darren, Chris(from Two Girls and a Podcast), Mark and Karen. Plus we have email from Jesse and an email with a cool link to Fanboys Productions from Travis.

It’s late, you know how to get ahold of us.

And just for the record, I’m going to back date this file a few days, just so it lines up nicely in your podcatch(hopefully).

Peace out, finally,