25 Days of TSO

Twenty-Five Days of TSO – Day Five

Three Kings and I (What Really Happened)
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
The Christmas Attic (1998)

Now you all heard the story about Bethlehem

How the child was born and the three wise men

Heard the preacher tell it like the preacher does

But let me tell you, children,

That’s not how it was

The story of The Christmas Attic is one of a young girl who sets out to prove the truth of Christmas after being confronted by everyone around her, older children, even her parents, telling her what they believe to be the truth. At bedtime, instead of sleeping, she climbs into the attic to get a better view to see if she can spy the visitor that she believes will be visiting that night.

While there, she is gently nudged by an angel to investigate a trunk that was left in the attic. What she finds there weaves together many vignettes that are presented through the album.

I imagine that here she finds a child’s theme written about the story of the Three Kings. There is so much fun and joy in hearing about this child’s version of the events, likely translated from a story told to the child by their Grandfather, or some Great-Grandfather.

The late Daryl Pediford’s voice is so rich and magical in the telling that you get sucked in to this familiar, if slightly different, story about the child’s Great-great-great-great-great-great-grand dad and his role in saving the Kings on their way to Bethlehem. It couldn’t be the same though, they just couldn’t tell the story the way that it was, considering copies of the story would all had to have been written by hand.

To hear the full Twenty-Five Days of TSO Playlist on Google Play Music, click the link below.

Twenty-Five Days of TSO